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Access: Granted

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Determine who receives Diamond Status

Bestow annual Diamond Awards - VOTE A MAXIMUM OF ONCE PER DAY - ADD POTENTIAL DIAMOND DESTINATIONS TO POLLS - Exclusive to Local Experts - With great power comes great responsibility. Elevate a tiny fraction of local, can't miss favorite's that represent a city's absolute best local offerings by way of making suggestions, nominations, having discussions, and placing year-round votes. The results of the annual vote tabulations don the poll winners as national Diamond destinations which includes features and promotion to a world-wide audience to pique curiosity and encourage greater visitation, The power to elevate and demote is totally within the hands of the Local Experts.  

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BUILD POWERFUL RELATIONSHIPS - Elite members have access to the private social media forum, Local Connections, with fellow Local Expert members across the nation, (including the 4 distinct Local Expert Member Segments - Executives, Influencers, Journalists and Investors), Destinations (Contenders, Diamonds and Brilliant), as well as Sponsors across the nation, to bond and build mutually beneficial relationships with.  

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Book it

Book winning Diamond destinations, along with nominated Diamonds, (that were awarded by Local Experts) for your private events across the nation, at discounted rates. 

Currently Locked.

500 cumulative votes from Local Experts unlocks The Diamond Reserve.

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Take your Position

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Executives & Influencers

Local Business Executives and Influencers gain automatic entry.

Upload File

Journalist, Media, Press

Submit your work featuring current Local Diamond Destinations and gain Press access.

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Gain Local Expert credentials by selecting the Investor option below.

  • Local Expert - Investor

    Every year
    • Add Destinations to Diamond Polls
    • Vote to Award Local Representatives & National Diamonds
    • Connect with all Local Connections - Private Social Media.
    • Discounted Diamond Reserve rates.

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